
Sounding Off:

Did your power go out in the recent thunderstorm? Several people in the blackout area quickly turned on their two-way radios and determined that no major damage was done. It was easy to conclude how widespread the blackout was, as those with power had no emergency and did not turn on their radios.

Did you feel the 4.6 earthquake recently? Those “in the know” turned on their two-way radios and soon concluded there was no serious damage in our area.

For several years a two-way radio emergency network has been growing in Costa Mesa. This network was started by residents who had taken the free Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training to help their families, their neighborhoods and their city prepare and respond safely to any emergency. (Details at cert.htm). Some neighbors heard about this network from friends, and more found out about it at free meetings put on by CERT grads as part of the Neighborhood Safety and Preparedness Program. Information about the program, this radio network and the Monday night practice net can be found at That site has helpful links and fliers you can download and print to help your family and friends get prepared as well.


You do not need extensive training to be “in the know.” You do need to have at least an FRS or GMRS radio (“walkie talkies”), and if you are a ham operator, that is even better, for they serve as relays between neighborhoods.

You can find out more about radios and this emergency network at the annual Amateur Radio Field Day from 11 a.m. June 27 to 11 a.m. June 28. It is at Goat Hill Junction in Fairview Park, 2525 Placentia Ave.

If you want your family and your neighborhood to be safer, join us on the Monday practice net and see how you fit into the Costa Mesa radio emergency network. The goal is to have at least one FRS/GMRS radio operator on every block and a ham relay operator for every neighborhood, with all the neighbors knowing who the operators are. Do you have a neighbor with a radio near you?

DIANE HILL lives in Costa Mesa.
