
That’s Debatable

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Public safety is the first duty of government and I believe it is foolish and short-sighted in the extreme to even consider any proposal that dumps tens of thousands of felons into our communities. That’s not a budget fix, that’s a prescription for disaster, since statistically many of those released will be arrested for new crimes. The proposed savings are illusory, but the damage done will be all too real for thousands of new victims. As attorney general, I’ll fight to streamline the death penalty appeals process and make public safety priority one.

Sen. Tom Harman

(R-Huntington Beach)

Attorney General candidate

I’m running for the U.S. Senate because California can no longer afford Sen. Barbara Boxer and her opposition to affordable domestic energy production and her support of the economy-killing cap-and-tax scheme.

As the lead Assembly Republican on tax policy, I’ve been in the forefront of the effort against burdensome taxes and I want to take that passion to Washington and roll back the massive expansion of government and prevent the spike in taxes that is sure to follow.


Lastly, as a 24-year U.S. Army veteran and a Reagan appointee in the Defense Department, I’ll be stronger on defense than Boxer.

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore

(R-Newport Beach)

U.S. Senate candidate

I’m running for Congress because in too many areas, business-as-usual politics has prevented us from addressing the important challenges facing our nation. In these tough economic times, we need a steady, articulate voice against the “pork” and overspending of government.

Every dollar irresponsibly spent by Congress is a dollar diverted from pressing priorities like creating jobs, lowering tax burdens on working Americans, supporting those fighting overseas, making good on our promises to senior citizens, and paying down the national debt.

Instead of controlling runaway spending, Congress is bailing out big corporations and breaking ethics laws. Let’s bring character and integrity back to Congress and protect our children’s future from today’s overspending.

Assemblyman Van Tran

(R-Costa Mesa)
