
Lesson learned the hard way

i recently went to Huntington Beach playhouse with my mom. a mothers day gift, she requested. i am temporarily disabled and like to get out. going to the theatre was a first for me and i was nervous that i would have a hard time getting around. purchasing tickets was easy over the internet, i could even pick my 2nd row seats. they had handicap stickers posted all over the building, so i thought, no problem.

when we got there early, as i like to do to avoid any delays due to my disability. we were scolded like a child by a door man who was not at his post, but talking to others doormen that we could not enter. then once we could enter i saw stairs. i asked if there was a ramp and there was not. i was told i could sit in the back row. that seemed very wrong. i let this upset both my mom and i and did not enjoy the show. let this be a lesson that anyone with a disability should not attend the huntington beach playhouse.
