
That’s Debatable

The president’s recently announced “agreement” with “health-care providers” was not without his standard fanfare and flourish. This agreement is purported to reduce the annual increase in health-care costs by 1.5%.

Never mind that this agreement has no specific ways that this will be achieved.

The greater deception here is that the president’s health-care plan will cost an extra $600 billion or so at a minimum, so again he is “saving” us a tiny amount of the greatly increased cost that he is proposing. Which in the end means we are saving nothing and spending more.

Rep. John Campbell

(R-Newport Beach)

I’m in support of anything we can do to make the system more efficient and to set standards for the health-care industry that will save lives and treat people in a cost-effective way. I would agree that major new spending or a massive expansion of government intervention shouldn’t be the focus, but rather making it more efficient.


Rep. Dana Rohrabacher
