
Laguna Coffee Co. Presents Coffee Cuppings

Love coffee and want to learn more about it? Experience a Coffee Cupping at Laguna Coffee Company on Sunday, June 7 and Sunday, September 6.

Laguna Beach- Do you love a great cup of coffee? The aroma, the steam, the ritual of adding cream or sugar, that first hot sip rejuvenating your body…Well, the owners of The Laguna Coffee Company love coffee even more than you do.

Husband and wife team Paul and Cathy Ackley purchased the shop in 2006 after being devoted fans of its coffee. Paul trained with the former owner in the art of coffee roasting, and continues his coffee education by attending seminars and studying with great roasters and coffee scientists around the country.

Paul takes great pride in roasting beans several times a week.

“Our coffee is always fresh – you can taste the difference fresh roasting makes.” Paul enthuses.


The beans at Laguna Coffee Company are sourced from quality growers around the world. Paul creates different blends including “Laguna”, a blend of Tanzanian Peaberry and Sumatran beans; and “Black Pearl”, a proprietary blend that Paul won’t divulge.

So many of their customers are interested in learning more about their favorite beverage that the Ackleys have started a quarterly event at their shop: Coffee Cuppings.

“The easiest way to explain a Cupping is to compare it to a wine tasting,” explains Ackley. “I choose 2 roasts for each Cupping, usually one medium and one dark. Participants inspect the beans, which I roast just before the event, noting color and aroma; then the ground beans are also viewed, noting how color and aroma have changed. Finally, hot water is poured over the grinds creating a “coffee crust” which is broken so that the brew can be tasted. The best way to taste is to slurp, which opens the flavors all around the mouth and palate. We discuss the taste, coffee vocabulary, bean selection, roasting methods, brewing tips…In short – the Cupping is everything you ever wanted to know about coffee.”

Coffee Cuppings with Paul and Cathy Ackley are scheduled for Sunday, June 7 and Sunday, September 6 at 1 p.m. Participation is free but space is limited, so call ahead to reserve your seat, 949-494-6901.

The Laguna Coffee Company offers a full variety of coffee and tea drinks as well as fresh-roasted coffee by the pound, smoothies, pastries and lite fare. Enjoy your coffee in the cozy shop or relaxing ocean-view garden, complete with free WiFi.

Located on the inland side of PCH at 1050 South Coast Highway, between Oak and Anita Streets, The Laguna Coffee Company is open seven days a week, Mon – Fri, 6 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Sat, 6:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday, 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. Saturdays feature live jazz from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. To join our email list or purchase coffee by the pound, please visit or call 949-494-6901.
