

A forum is for the purpose of open discussion of public matters, not for misinformation and airing of personal dislikes.

A letter in the Forum, signed by a person who is neither a resident of Costa Mesa nor a member of the Costa Mesa Senior Center, made an untrue accusation and called for the firing of two of the center’s hard-working employees and people whom I know to be dedicated to the welfare of our seniors.

Every question raised by Councilwoman [Wendy] Leece has been answered promptly and thoroughly.


This process involved diversion of center staff time from duties in support of the seniors. She was never ignored, and she has always been treated courteously by our staff and members.

Her demands for information included matters of micromanagement of the center and confidential information about employees, which are not in the purview of a liaison.

It should be remembered that Leece is the appointed City Council liaison to the senior center. She is not a supervisor, not a monitor, but a liaison — someone charged with establishing and maintaining mutual understanding. In this role she has not only failed, but has acted against the welfare of our seniors.

She has made money-raising for the center increasingly difficult. How difficult, future fundraising will tell — some programs for seniors may have to be discontinued.


Costa Mesa

Reps. take wrong stance on CIA tactics

Representatives [John] Campbell’s and [Dana] Rohrabacher’s defense of torture is a disgrace [“That’s Debatable: CIA interrogation tactics criticized,” April 29].

How much longer will voters allow these two reactionaries to embarrass them by “representing” them in Congress?

Campbell says we tortured “only three” (a total of 183 times).

This smacks of sadism. Oh, and that L.A. tower plot was foiled six months before Campbell insists it was uncovered by enhanced interrogations. Enough of the lying to justify the abandonment of our historical laws, principles and moral values. I’m sure when we see those 90 videos of the procedure done on actual terrorists we will feel it isn’t really torture. Oh, I forgot, the CIA destroyed all of them.

As for prosecuting those who OKd all of this, we should but probably won’t. We may deny justice here in the U.S. regarding those who committed war crimes, but I’m willing to bet that Bush, Cheney, Addington, Woo, et al won’t be traveling outside the country much for fear they may be arrested and put on trial.

I wonder if they wouldn’t mind being “interrogated” to see what they knew and when?


Newport Beach
