
Newport Harbor Elks welcome new officers

Members, families and guests recently attended the Newport Harbor Elks #1767 installation of officers. Outgoing Exalted Ruler Roy Carlson expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the members for a very successful year. He praised his Corps of Officers and Committee workers for the numerous charitable accomplishments of the past twelve months. He also offered his congratulations to the incoming Corps of Officers, pledging his support and wishing them success in the coming year.

The new officers will be serving the Lodge for a term of one year. They are: Exalted Ruler David Leonard and First Lady Melody Leonard, Leading Knight Rick Price, Loyal Knight Maureen Schaller-Conway, Lecturing Knight Curtis Moore, Secretary Sharron Dearborn, Treasurer Barbara Garroutte, Esquire Jerry French, Chaplain Jon Ellowitz, Inner Guard Art Morell, Assistant Inner Guard Barbara Turner, Tiler Lee Brown, Trustees: Jim Bentson, Bill Hartney, Jack Fettig, Rick Blake and Ken Brown.

In his acceptance speech, newly elected Exalted Ruler David Leonard, a former Fire Captain, said that his motto for the year will be, “On Fire for Elkdom”. He also pledged to continue the Lodges many charitable endeavors and to maintain the spirit of cooperation and involvement the Lodge has long enjoyed with the Cities of Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and the surrounding areas.


The Lodge is preparing to attend the State Elks Convention which will be held in Ontario May 13 to 16th. At that time a new Elks State Vice President will be installed.

For information on Elks Charities or membership in the Elks call (949) 673-6110
