


Mariko has one blue eye and one yellow eye and is a rare Polydactyl cat with four paws having many toes, known as a Hemingway cat. Unfortunately, she has been diagnosed with toxoplasmosis.

Community Animal Network rescued the 10-month-old white female cat with gray smudges on the head from a Costa Mesa backyard.

“She is so pretty that I just had to call her Mariko after a Japanese print,” her caregiver Gena Bartrom said.


Outside cats contract Toxoplasmosis when they ingest a parasite found in rats and infected raw meat.

Network officials say you shouldn’t worry about this problem with indoor, domesticated cats.

Community Animal Network is accepting donations to help with the $465 bill from the veterinarian. Volunteers are also needed.

If you can volunteer call (949) 759-3646. To help Mariko, memo your check with her name and mail your check to Community Animal Network, P.O. Box 8662 Newport Beach, CA, 92658 and memo your check non-profit tax ID 33-0971560.
