


I hope that all the commercial maritime workers in Newport Harbor know the importance of April 14 with the new federal credential requirement. This is an important deadline for anyone who has access unescorted to areas of maritime facilities and vessels, and this includes all licensed mariners, unlicensed vessel crew, maintenance workers, sales staff and delivery personnel.

Everyone will be required to have the Transportation Worker Identification Credential, commonly known as the TWIC card. This federally issued card is to identify anyone who is unescorted to have access to Coast Guard inspected vessels, uninspected vessels if used for hire, or a secure maritime facility. The idea is to prevent an act of terrorism by someone with a vessel or at a maritime facility. Congress directed the program through the Maritime Transportation Security Act to issue biometric security cards valid for five years to maritime personnel and those support personnel after the individual submits to a thorough federal background check. You will not be given a card if your immigration status is illegal, if you have been convicted of certain felonies, if you have a connection to terrorist activity, espionage, treason, transportation security crimes or murder or if you demonstrate a lack of mental acuity.

The TWIC card intention is good, but does it really apply to the licensed captain aboard a 35-foot, six-pack fishing charter? Some would say yes, because what if the captain loaded the boat with explosives and rammed a ship. Realistically, wouldn’t terrorists use an ordinary boat, mostly likely stolen, to do their dirty deeds? Ports of Long Beach and the like across the nation know who has access to ships, but for smaller ports who is going to check the TWIC card of the worker when the crew consists of two or three people? I will ask to see my deckhand’s card and he will ask to see mine?


Tip of the week is for all commercial mariners to apply for your TWIC card at layers/twic/index.shtm or call (866) 347-8942 to schedule an appointment. The nearest office is at 301 Ocean Blvd, Suite 500 in Long Beach. You will need forms of identification such as a passport, a driver’s license and a Social Security card so check online, and oh, bring your credit card: The fee is $135.50, no cash or checks accepted.

Remember to tune in every Saturday at 11 a.m. to “Capt. Mike Whitehead’s Boathouse Radio Show,”

MIKE WHITEHEAD is the Pilot’s boating columnist. Send marine-related thoughts and story suggestions to [email protected] or go to
