
Laguna Beach Historical Society Gathering Viewed and Discussed Historic Photographs

The City Council Chambers were full for the Monday, March 16, 2009 Laguna Beach Historical Society sponsored program to “View and Discuss Images from the Tom Pulley Postcard Collection”. A PowerPoint presentation displayed historic photographs with comments by Laguna Beach Historical Society Board members Eric Jessen & Gene Felder, and from members of the audience. Attendees included postcard collector Tom Pulley of Orange, former Mayor Ann Christoph, and Laguna Art Museum Curator of Collections Janet Blake.

May is Heritage month in Laguna Beach and there will be a number of activities including a Historical Society program on Monday, May 18th on the Victoria Beach Tower and the Norman House by Mark Whitman.

Step back into 1920s Laguna by visiting the Laguna Beach Historical Society Murphy-Smith Bungalow, located at 278 Ocean Avenue, which is opened to the public at no-charge every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to greet visitors to the Murphy-Smith Bungalow and should call 939-7257.


Those interested in supporting and joining the Laguna Beach Historical Society should send $15 per individual, $25 per household or $50 per business/organization to 278 Ocean Avenue, Laguna Beach CA 92651. The Laguna Beach Historical Society is a section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID #33-0519882.

More information on the Society and Laguna history is at
