

What do you think of President Obama’s proposed budget?

“It’s not enough that we do our best, sometimes we have to do what is required.” Winston Churchill’s quote accurately describes our current economic dilemma. The disastrous policies of the previous administration paved the path that we are on, including two expensive and morally reprehensible wars that were kept “off the books.” Did we really believe that this would not catch up to us?

This global economic catastrophe is as big, if not bigger than, 9/11. When those planes hit the Twin Towers, everyone, including me, rallied around our president. President Obama deserves no less now.

Imagine the chaos that could ensue if Americans realized that they can no longer care for their families and that there would be no help from their government.


For the sake of security, we need to put people to work, rather than to follow Herbert Hoover’s example and claim that the problems we faced were not the responsibility of the government. Franklin Roosevelt saved this nation with his broad approach to activist government. It was necessary then, and it is necessary now.

Melahat Rafiei

Executive director

Orange County Democratic Party

Taxes are going up. Defense spending is going down. Generational welfare is back, and universal heath care is around the corner. This isn’t Chicken Little hyperbole. These items are proudly identified in President Obama’s federal budget. This is on top of an $800-billion, deficit-inducing spending spree.

Thus, Obama isn’t even halfway through his first 100 days and we see silver tongue nuancing of campaign issues that was clever cover for an abrupt left turn in America. The stunned silence of the leftist in this country should not be reassuring to middle America.

After eight years of President George Bush, home-soil terrorists attacks, two difficult wars, and a stumbling economy, America was ready for change. America, however, was not clamoring for a sharp left turn. This is standard overreach by a new party in power. Thus, if the economy remains weak and the march to socialism remains strong, Republicans will pick up enough seats in mid-term elections to block Obama’s agenda.

We will not be rescued, however, by tax-hiking-bailout-supporting- get-a-long politicians. Those mid-term elections must produce Republicans with a sustainable vision of limited government.

Scott Baugh

Orange County GOP chairman
