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Gene Kelly — who choreographed and danced to movie routines involving roller skates, trash can lids and newspaper pages — would have loved “Stomp,” now making a return visit to the Orange County Performing Arts Center.

As Spike Jones proved eons ago, there aren’t many objects with which you can’t make, if not music, at least some rhythmic noise. The eight bundles of energy in “Stomp” just take it to illogical extremes.

This bountiful bundle from Britain — born in Brighton back in 1991 — is calculated to equally entertain audiences with tin ears and those with perfect pitch. And leave them both laughing like crazy in the process.


Created and directed by Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas, who have been toying with the concept for decades, “Stomp” uses no musical instruments in its intermission-less series of comedic sketches. There’s no dialogue nor singing, either.

What there is, and in abundance, is creative cacophony with whatever objects happen to be handy, from brooms and pipes to trash cans, cigarette lighters and rubber tires. You might say they use everything but the kitchen sink, but you’d be wrong — there are three of these in one bit.

The cast members utter nary a word, yet they carry on a rhythmic dialogue that illustrates the old adage “timing is everything.” On several occasions, one performer is throwing an object and catching another simultaneously.

Don’t try to recognize any familiar tunes — there aren’t any of those, either. It’s all about the beat, struck with just about any object imaginable. The volume ranges from barely audible to nearly deafening, all performed to splendid syncopation.

Plastic bags, plungers, boots and hub caps — all are fair game in “Stomp.” And just when you think things can’t get any weirder — well, they do.

As for personal plaudits, guess again. A dozen performers are listed as part of the company, but only eight comprise a performance.

Cresswell and McNicholas certainly have enjoyed the fruits of their venture. Productions of “Stomp” are being given around the world, including one in residence in Las Vegas. The troupe’s list of awards and nominations is voluminous.

A word to parents: Your kids will love this show, but take them with the forewarning that you may be hearing echoes of “Stomp” for several weeks afterward.


WHAT: “Stomp”

WHERE: Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa

WHEN: Closing performances 7:30 tonight and Friday, 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, and 1 and 6:30 p.m. Sunday.

COST: $20 to $55

INFO: (714) 556-2787

TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays.
