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The lights dimmed, bells chimed, and the ballroom doors opened at The Balboa Bay Club and Resort. It was the night before Christmas Eve and some 60 young boys in red blazers, white shirts and black ties entered in formation carrying electronic candles and winding their way through the dinner audience of some 250 guests who had come to continue a Newport Beach holiday tradition.

For the past decade, The All American Boys Chorus of Costa Mesa has graced the “Night before Christmas Eve” dinner at The Balboa Bay Club, attracting families and uniting multiple generations over a holiday feast of turkey and all the trimmings prepared by the club’s executive chef Josef Lagader and his staff.

The crowd arrived at sunset for cocktails and conversation. Men in jacket and tie, and ladies in Christmas sparkle toasted the holidays.

Little girls wore dresses of red-and-green velvet under starched-white pinafores. White ribbons held curls in place.


And the young men showed off classic good taste dressed in gray slacks and blue blazers with red-and-white-striped rep ties. It was an old-fashioned, traditional family Christmas indeed.

The bay club’s mime, Abbott The Average, wandered through the crowd spreading giggles, and then the big guy in the red suit appeared.

Children ran to Santa Claus as he greeted tables and inquired if the young people crowding around “had been naughty or nice?”

Pianist Chuck Munnings played “White Christmas” and “Jingle Bells” as some 30 children from about 2 to nearly 20 years old formed a chorus line or two on stage. Munnings played “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer,” and Santa hopped up to lead the children in song.

Parents’ cameras flashed, grandparents sighed, and a dessert of crème brulée topped with fresh berries was served by George Valenzuela and his dining room staff.

The crowd became silent, and the chorus began its program led by executive director Tony Manrique and concert director Wesley Martin.

For the next hour the boys ushered in the Christmas holiday with musical style alternating between popular and classic selections.

Special guests in the crowd included two Marines from the weapons station at Seal Beach. Staff Sgt. Oscar Camarena and Cpl. Mario Ruiz came to the club to collect the gifts donated for the “Toys For Tots” drive.

The Marines received a standing ovation from the holiday crowd then joined the club’s executive staff, including Henry Schielein, Dave Martel, Aaron Trent, Willie Upton, Sandy McIntyre, Shawna Burnett and Karrie Selvaggi for the dinner and concert.

Funds raised at the event help to support the yearlong programs offered by the All American Boys Chorus, which is open to young boys of all races, religions, creeds and national origins.

Spotted in the crowd were Dennis and Mary Delahante with daughter, Dana, and son, Michael, and their mother, Patty Grice, also sharing the holiday event.

Following the party the extended family exited the ballroom to the valet station and called for their car.

Out came a new Audi topped with a giant red bow with a big sign on the windshield “Love from Mom and Dad.” Michael was speechless, the valets applauded and the family all cried. Michael asked Santa for some wheels earlier in the dining room. I guess there really is still reason to believe!

THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saturdays.
