
CHASING DOWN THE MUSE: New intentions for a new year

The late afternoon sun cast its many-colored lights and shadows up the canyon. Wrens and finches chattered as they gathered their last seeds of the day. A jay screeched and the small birds scattered. The warmth of the light seemed to counter the cool brisk afternoon air as I walked out onto the deck. For a brief moment the play of light through the trees recalled the cheery colors of the holiday just past.

I was stalled in reverie. The cold does this to me. But it was time to go; time for a walk around the hill to get the juices flowing. Soon the bright colors would turn to the soft light of gloaming, and it would be that much colder. My feet began to move. And, as always, my thoughts started churning.

Time. It is at this juncture of each year that many of us pause to look at the passage of time. We look back over the previous year, see the changes — losses and gains — and even the stuck places. We look ahead with hope for changes of our own choosing in the form of renewed hopes, resolutions and possibilities for “better.” This time of pause and attention feels like a crossroads and we tend to treat it as such.


Looking behind, we see things we would like to change. This is the time to actively choose to do so, with intention. Sure, there is a lot over which we have little or no control. That is not to say that there are no areas of our lives in which we can make changes.

It is at this time of year that I usually find myself choosing some intentions for the future. Possibilities dance in front of me and I try to choose one or two things to consciously embrace for the coming year. It is always amazing the force this intention can bring into my life.

Prosperity? Joy? Compassion? Love? Integrity? Purity? Gratitude? Grace? What aspects would you like to bring into your life? What do you feel is missing as you look over the past? Simply put your intention into play by choosing. Then, let it go. Allow the intention to play out as it will. You may be surprised at what shows up. You may not. In any case, choosing the intention is an area over which we each have total control.

At a time in history when much is going on that seems far outside of our ability to influence or control, the simple act of intention can have a profound effect in our lives.

If you have not known this in your own life, you’ll just have to trust me on this one. It costs nothing. It is “easy” — if paying attention to what one wants in one’s life can be called easy.

These intentions can wake us up in wonderful ways. My own experience of them makes me think of what John Muir said: “The sun shines not on us, but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing.”

Oh, yeah! Gimme some of that! How about you?

May you have a happy and intentional new year.

CHERRIL DOTY is an artist, writer, and creative coach exploring and enjoying the many mysteries of life in the moment. She can be reached by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (949) 251-3883
