
48TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: Campbell well in command

Incumbent U.S. Rep. John Campbell had a wide lead on Democratic challenger Steve Young in early election returns Tuesday.

Numerous phone calls to both Campbell and Young were not returned Tuesday night.

Young has unsuccessfully ran for Congress in the 48th District twice before, once against victor Campbell and immigration activist Jim Gilchrist in a special election in 2005, and again versus incumbent Campbell in 2006. Young garnered 28% of the vote to finish second to Campbell’s 44.7% in 2005. Campbell beat him again in 2006 with 60% of the vote to Young’s 32.7%.

Young managed to raise a little more than $227,000 as of Oct. 15 for his third-time congressional bid, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Campbell raised more than $942,000 as of Oct. 15. The District 48 incumbent spent more than $590,000 and still had more than $289,000 in cash on hand by the middle of October, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. In comparison, Young had a little more than $16,000 in cash on hand by Oct. 15. Young spent about $211,000, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.


Campbell picked up a large chunk of change from political action committees — about $321,000 according to the most recent data available. Donors included the Automotive Free International Trade Political Action Committee and AT&T;, which both gave Campbell $10,000, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Campbell also attracted donations from the real estate and insurance industries. Most of Young’s contributions came from individual donors — about $179,000.

BRIANNA BAILEY may be reached at (714) 966-4625 or at [email protected].
