
N.B. puts finishing touches on road project

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The business district portion of Birch Street is getting the finish touches put on it today as Newport Beach Public Works finishes a rehabilitation project that is expected to make the road smoother for drivers.

Today’s road work isn’t expected to slow traffic as workers are raising valves and manholes, city officials said.

The $500,000 project performed by All American Asphalt is part of the more than $6 million being used by the city to give streets a needed face-lift. The city chipped in $250,000 for the Birch Street project, while the other half was paid for by a federal grant from the government.


The rehabilitation project will take about five weeks to complete from start to finish and used rubberized asphalt to repave the road between Bristol Street North and MacArthur Boulevard.

DANIEL TEDFORD may be reached at (714) 966-4632 or at [email protected].
