


It is the middle of summer, so I am receiving numerous requests for my weekend weather predications. I find it interesting that the requests are from not only boaters, but also those who will be staying ashore either working on their houses or going to an outdoor activity.

Well, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued a hazardous weather outlook with two warnings. First, those going the beach should be aware of the high rip-current risk due to the south swell’s long interval period between swells at our local beaches. Lastly, if you are traveling to the local mountains or deserts, then there is a chance of thunderstorms and flash floods. You can feel the higher humidity with the monsoon-like weather that should give us temperatures in the upper 70s to lower 80s this weekend.

The seas will continue to be a mixed set from the west and south, with increasing swell heights Saturday evening. Check the ocean conditions before you venture into the Pacific on Sunday, but I am predicting OK conditions for our local waters. However, I would not recommend heading northerly to the Santa Barbara Channel or rounding Point Conception, which are experiencing eight- to 10-foot seas and 30-knot wind gusts. Ouch, I have been caught rounding Point Conception before with conditions like these, and is not for the fainthearted or inexperienced skipper.


Remember, you can see real-time NOAA and CDIP (Coastal Data Information Program) buoy data at buoylist.html. This site is great for viewing the data in different formats, and you can click on a specific buoy for detailed and historic information. Let me know how the weekly weather updates are helping your boating and outdoor activities.

Tip of the week is an update to S. 2766 (Clean Boating Act of 2008). President George W. Bush signed the bill to reinstate the exemption for recreation boaters from having to obtain the EPA’s water discharge permit intended to control the ballast water discharge from ships. The president signed the bill with Rep. Steven LaTourette (R-Ohio) and Rep. Patrick Tiberi (R-Ohio). You can see the photo of the president signing the bill at news/releases/2008/07/images /20080729-7_p072908cg-0457- 515h.html.

Safe voyages.

MIKE WHITEHEAD is the Pilot’s boating columnist. Send marine-related thoughts and story suggestions to [email protected] or go to
