

Democrats have sealed their fate. They have chosen Barack Obama as the 2008 Democratic presidential candidate.

As a result, there will not be a Democrat in the White House this time around.

There could be a slight chance for Democrats if Hillary Clinton is offered and accepts the opportunity to be Obama’s running mate. Barring that, Obama is unelectable. He is fatally flawed and has no chance of overcoming John McCain in the November election.

Sen. Clinton, on the other hand, would be a formidable opponent.

Obama, Democratic presidential nominee?

Good news for Republicans.


Costa Mesa

Good for the goose and the gander?

What is Sen. Tom Harman’s view of the bloated salaries of chief executives in the private sector?


Or is that just the “free market” at work?

Charles Steenrod

Costa Mesa

Don’t exclude other sports in coverage

Last year, the Daily Pilot ran a nice article (including one or more pictures and the individual event finishes) concerning the Newport-Mesa School District Middle School track and field championships involving teams from six local middle schools (Corona del Mar, Harbor Day, Dwyer, TeWinkle, Ensign and Sowers).

Unless I have missed something, the Daily Pilot has not reported any results from that same event this year, which took place at the Corona del Mar High School track May 29.

While I understand the Daily Pilot Cup has been a very worthy subject for your sports section, it should not preclude coverage of the middle school track championships. Among other things, a new record was set in the boys’ eighth-grade 100-meter dash.

One or more future track superstars may be coming from our local schools, and their young exploits should be covered.

Although the championships were at the Corona del Mar track, I am informed by Chris Brude, the middle school’s track coach, that the person in charge of the meet, and so the person from whom results may be obtained, was Mike Coleman, the track coach at Harbor Day School.

Jim Percival

Newport Beach


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