
Harbor issues for county, city to decide

The patrol of Newport Harbor is not a state legislative issue.

The issue should be decided on what is best for the county and the city, not for the employees.


Newport Beach

Prayer event should not be on city land

Regarding National Day of Prayer at City Hall: This event should not be on city property, as it is a function of a religious organization.

When such a group is permitted to have an activity on city property it could appear the city is promoting the event — and by inference, the group sponsoring the event.


Keep church and state separate!


Costa Mesa

Sell cookies, not fireworks, for July 4

Tom Neth wrote an intelligent, well-thought-out response (“July 4 pride can be expressed peacefully,” April 30) to the insanity of selling fireworks in Costa Mesa that echoes the sentiment of hundreds, if not thousands, of residents.

Stop: We have had enough.

He needs to realize three of the City Council folks aren’t concerned about what he thinks, or the rest of the residents.

They decided that last year when they were afraid to let the people they represent vote on fireworks.

For some reason, other cities are enjoying their summers and other cities’ local schools and groups are being supported, all without fireworks sales.

We continue to believe it is the residents who must support all the youth programs by selling a dangerous, disturbing product, even allowing other cities to sell in our town.

He is right, these groups aren’t interested in giving up a good thing, they have no motivation to find other solutions and if pushed, will ask if we would rather have their kids going door to door selling cookies.

My answer is yes, I certainly would love it.


Costa Mesa

Sex class at OCC not newsworthy material

Who’s minding the store at the Pilot?

Out of all the classes at OCC, this is the one you decide to cover.

And this story (“Lifting sex stigmas,” May 3) rated front-page coverage with a photo?

Let’s see, the Los Angeles Times, on the same day, ran three front page photos of men: a professional surfer, a surgeon and NBA MVP Kobe Bryant.

The best the Pilot could do is a photo of a woman demonstrating a harness? I bet there’s some better stories at OCC than that one.


Newport Beach
