
Find green in moving box

The Lab Anti-Mall and the Camp combined their efforts Sunday for an Earth Day event featuring vendors, music, art exhibits and special sales in observance of the environmental holiday.

Environmental groups and businesses filled the halls with innovative ideas about how consumers could change their lifestyles from noon to 4 p.m. at the shopping center. One of those groups was Rent a Green Box.

“We have reinvented the cardboard box,” the organization’s inventor and founder Spencer Brown said. “We deliver environmental conscience in a box.”


The business, based out of Costa Mesa, purchases trash from recycling plants and land fills to use to create green boxes people can rent to move with. The company delivers the boxes for use, and once the consumer uses the boxes, the company will then pick up the boxes, all while driving in its 100% vegetable oil powered vehicle.

Patrons can rent boxes in 30, 50, and 70 box groups for $1 a box per week. For information call (888) 900-7225 or go to

Environment California also had some representatives at the event to raise awareness about protecting California’s coastline. The group said they liked coming to Orange County because of its laid back atmosphere that allows people to take in what the organization has to say.

“We really like Earth Day because it brings attention back to [the environment],” said Environment California’s San Diego representative Adam Gosney.

— Daniel Tedford
