

The summer season is closing in on my radar very fast this year, and if last weekend’s weather is any indication, then summer may be here already. Summertime is when the harbor is full of activities with sailing classes, sailing races, charter-boat cruising, fishing, recreational boating, and many other types of waterway users in Newport Harbor. Over the years I’ve seen conflicts among the users in the harbor, most of which could have been avoided by simply following the Navigation Rules or commonly known as the Rules of the Road.

I think every boater should read the Rules of the Road, and you can read it online at mwv/navrules/navrules.htm, plus, you can download the official pages or order a copy of the book. Keep in mind that Annex V states, “The operator of each self-propelled vessel 12 meters or more in length shall carry on board and maintain for ready reference a copy of the Inland Navigation Rules.”

Attention on deck for all charter boat companies and captains, sailing schools, yacht clubs and race committees as Newport Beach’s Harbor Resource hosts the annual coordination meeting. This meeting is mandatory for all charter companies operating in the harbor, and is meant to help alleviate conflicts between the diversity of numerous users.


I think this is the perfect forum for everyone to review the guidelines for Newport Harbor and the Federal navigational rules.

There is a lot of misinformation among boaters such as the Auto-Ferries always have the right-of-way, which they do not (sorry Seymour), and boats racing have the right-of-way, which is false. Additionally, this is a meeting where everyone can get re-acquainted to who is who, and participants can speak to issues in an open, informal environment.

“Please keep in mind that the issues we face in our harbor affect all user groups, and we’re trying to do all that we can to alleviate problems or safety concerns,” Harbor Resources Manager Chris Miller said in an e-mail.

The meeting will be from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. May 1 in the City Hall Council Chambers.

Remember to mark your calendars for noon April 25, as once again, I will be announcing the start of the Newport to Ensenada Race at Lookout Point above Corona Del Mar main beach (Big Corona).

MIKE WHITEHEAD is the Pilot’s boating columnist. Send marine-related thoughts and story suggestions to [email protected] or go to
