

Purim carnival at Chabad

Circue de Purim, featuring Russian veteran circus performers, makes its debut on Thursday at 6 p.m., at the Chabad Jewish Center.

The Purim celebration will also feature face painting, arts and crafts, balloons and fun. Those who come in circus costume can win a prize.

The holiday of Purim commemorates a time of trepidation and suffering for the Jewish population of Persia living in the fourth century B.C.E.


It is also a celebration of survival against odds.

The Scroll of Esther, “Megillah” in Hebrew, recounts the story of Haman, one of the most colorful villains in Jewish history. It also tells the tale of Mordechai and his niece, Esther, who were instrumental in the resurgence of Jewish spirit and courage.

The four main observances of Purim include gathering in synagogues for the reading of the Megillah, giving charity to the poor, exchanging gifts of food, and eating a festive meal. It is also customary to eat a cookie called “Hamantashen” (triangular pastry filled with poppy seed or jelly)

A reading of the Megillah will take place at 7:30 p.m., followed by pastries.

The Purim celebration is open to the community, at $10 per person, at 30804 Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Call (949) 499-0770, or visit for more information.
