

Joseph Bell’s column (“Lead us, Moorlach,” Feb. 28) was a light-hearted description of recent events at the former El Toro Airport, now dubbed the “Great Park.”

It seems that the El Toro story will never end since the future of the Great Park itself seems doubtful.

The problem for all who live near John Wayne Airport is the fact of increasing air and surface traffic and the threat to the environment.


We believe airport expansion could destroy the beauty and quality of Newport Bay and the surrounding area.

Joe Bell’s proposed solution to this continuing threat is to have another election about the El Toro airport.

However, this is not possible because the base land is no longer owned by Orange County but by the city of Irvine, the Lennar Corporation, the Navy Department and the Federal Aviation Administration.

It is being utilized now by several government agencies for needed operations.

How this saga will be resolved is anybody’s guess, but it does make fascinating reporting.


Newport Beach

Columnist can stop shaking in his boots

It was nice to hear that columnist Joseph Bell appreciated Orange County Supervisor John Moorlach’s attention to Bell, identifying our enemies as South County, and causing him to write, “We’re scared” (“Lead us, Moorlach,” Feb. 28.)

Bell mentions that it took four elections to convert El Toro from a desperately needed airport into a mythical Great Park and suggests a fifth election.

I don’t think more elections over El Toro are wise or necessary. The new owners of El Toro can open the planned El Toro International Airport and make billions — no, trillions — of dollars. The rest of Orange County is no longer a player, but we do need the airport. Joe Bell can stop being scared and rest easy over John Wayne Airport.


Newport Beach

Solve JWA problems with train to Ontario

I have enjoyed Joe Bell for years, and agree or not, he’s an excellent writer.

On the well-beaten subject of an El Toro International Airport vs. the Great Park (“Lead us, Moorlach,” Feb. 28), the Great Park has turned out to be a disgraceful joke, with the taxpayers picking up the tab, but one doesn’t just drop an international airport, complete with 24-hour takeoffs and landings, right in the middle of residential neighborhoods.

As a Marine Air Base, the surrounding residents could survive the five or six flights per day, but one flight every minute, 24 hours a day? Those property values would plummet faster than Hillary’s presidential hopes.

If Moorlach is to lead us, and I hope he can, why not point us toward the already existing international airport in Ontario? The Japanese and others have done wonders with bullet trains, and one such train from John Wayne to Ontario would solve more problems than it would cause.


Costa Mesa

Absence of sanitation fee would be noticed

It totally amazes me that a bunch of people made a stink (no pun intended) about the Orange County Sanitation District decision to raise sewer fees $20 a year.

I wonder if any of those who opposed the rate hike have ever lived without a sewer or next to a broken one?


Newport Beach
