
City officials list accomplishments of 2007

Each year, the city lists its key accomplishments for the preceding year.

The top accomplishment in 2007, in most people’s minds, was the completion of the restoration of Bluebird Canyon damaged in the 2005 landslide. The restoration included the reconstruction of Flamingo Road, other city infrastructure and the hillside that tumbled down, taking homes with it, but thankfully no lives.

However, the city also completed the largest street and alley resurfacing project in Laguna’s history — the area from Mountain Road to Nyes Place and ocean-ward of South Coast Highway from Cleo Street to Nyes Place.

Construction was also completed on the public parking lot and the long-delayed relocation of the city maintenance yard at the ACT V parcel in Laguna Canyon — a project made possible by a compromise worked out by Councilwomen Toni Iseman and Elizabeth Schneider that silenced acrimonious public dispute that had divided the community for a decade.


In a related move, the City Council adopted a modified design for a parking structure at the Village Entrance that was better accepted by critics of the previous proposal and the environmental community.

The environmental community also applauded the city’s decision last year to prohibit the use of Styrofoam containers in local restaurants.

Not least: Four Third Street cottages were moved out to Laguna Canyon and construction was begun on the new Community/Senior Center.

In another non-concrete achievement, the city prevailed in litigation challenging the day laborer center in Laguna Canyon and negotiated a lease for use of Caltrans property for the center. The property has been put on the market this year and the city has submitted a bid.

Other major accomplishments in 2007 cited by City Manager Ken Frank:

Community Development

 Created a handbook for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act

 Amended the height and parking provisions for the Civic Arts District

 Enhanced the Design Review process with increased staffing and substantial amendments to the process

 Hired a receptionist to assist customers who come to City Hall

 Installed new software for building and code enforcement functions

 Amended parking requirements in the Municipal Code, including adoption of an ordinance regulating parking of recreational vehicles in residential zones

 Established new standards for landscaping and open space for single family dwellings, putting limits on hardscape

 Updated the Building and Fire Codes

Public Facilities

 Finished the utility undergrounding and street light replacement in the Central Business District

 Installed new control systems and pumps for both sewer stations serving the North Coast Interceptor

 In conjunction with Caltrans, installed a traffic signal in front of the Festival of Arts

 Constructed a turnout for safer parking of buses at the depot on Broadway

 Installed sidewalks in the 200 block of Diamond Street

 Replaced the playground equipment at Moulton Meadows Park

 Designed a storm drain extension on Park Avenue uphill from Wendt Terrace

 Designed and obtained permits for a sidewalk in the 300 block of Nyes Place

 Transferred downtown sidewalk steam cleaning to a private vendor and increased the frequency of that service

 Replaced the surge tanks at both SOCWA sewer pump stations

 Constructed four more nuisance water diversions with devices to remove silt and litter at Main Beach, Cress Street, and two areas of Heisler Park

 Completed emergency repairs on a portion of the North Coast Interceptor at Galen Place

 Designed the first phase of the rehabilitation of the North Coast Interceptor

 Converted parking lot pay stations to a higher rate and initiated the use of credit cards for payment

 Obtained $1.8 million in state grants for reconstruction of Heisler Park

 Resurfaced the police shooting range

 Installed guardrails in portions of Diamond/Crestview

 Undergrounded the utility lines in several neighborhoods: Mystic Hills; Terry Road, Hinkle Place, Alexander Road and Rounsevel Terrace; Sunset Ridge, Ledroit, Hillcrest and Louise; High Drive; and Ocean Vista

 Replaced the control panels at the Brooks Street sewer station

 Completed emergency repairs to the Pearl Street sewer pump station

 Replaced the electrical components in the Victoria I pump station

Public Safety

 Installed a new 911 dispatch system and associated records management program

 Installed a new digital video system in all patrol cars

 Transferred parking citation processing to a private vendor

 Switched to Doctors Ambulance Company for more effective billing for paramedic service

 Negotiated a five-year contract with the Firefighters Assn.

 Negotiated a two-year extension of the city’s contract with the Police Employees Assn.

 Initiated a program for reimbursement of costs associated with arrests for driving under the influence

 Conducted three decoy operations to suss out the sale of alcohol to minors

 Installed mobile data computers in each fire department vehicle, funded by grants

 Obtained a new encroachment permit for continued maintenance of the firebreak on county property

 Worked with the school district to assess and reduce the risk of wild land fires to the schools

 Deployed staff at peak times to direct traffic in the Central Business District

 Instituted a system of interoperability between all the dispatch centers in the county

 Used grant funds to increase security at the Police Department and enhance jail monitoring equipment


 Started the restoration of Heisler Park

 Purchased 136 acres for open space in Laguna Canyon (Stonefield, Chao and Jaysu) with Proposition 12 funds

 Installed public art in the front of the Act V lot

 Re-landscaped the front of the library, part of a joint effort with other community groups organized by the Friends of the Laguna Beach Library

 Prepared a comprehensive plan for enhancing service to the city’s customers

 Surveyed residents to ascertain their level of satisfaction with city services

 Created a task force to deal with homeless people

 Installed facilities for council members to use laptop computers during council meetings

 Negotiated a new, six-year contract for refuse collection

 Prepared a study of transit operations and options for connecting to Metrolink

 Arranged for the donation of up to $70,000 for the replacement of the Brooks Street stairs

 Installed new irrigation and landscaping at Fire Station No. 3

 Started online registration for recreation programs

 Adopted an ordinance requiring contractors to recycle 50% of their construction debris

 Corrected a misreporting of 2,000 tons of demolition debris from Crystal Cove State Park

 Worked with Southern California Edison to conduct an energy audit of city facilities, which led to decreased electrical costs

For more information about any of the city’s projects, call the City Manager’s Office at (949) 497-0704.
