

Tuesday, my wife and I showed up where we always vote: St. James Church in Newport Beach.

We do not belong to any political party but intended to give our vote to McCain.

Great was our surprise to realize our ballot had been changed from independent to Democrat voter, and we could vote only for the Democrat candidates or just for the propositions.

As a result our chosen candidate lost two votes, and we left very frustrated and uncertain of what our status will be when the general elections time comes.

Do we need to re-register again? What was that on our great democracy?



Newport Beach

Jack Croul’s Measure B support comes at a cost

Regarding Measure B: The Daily Pilot should watch closely in the years to come to see what exactly Jack Croul will get in return for his $670,000 investment in Measure B.


No businessman invests that type of money without expecting something in return. It would appear promises were made and the deal has gone down.

The only thing remaining is to see how big Mr. Croul’s return will be and at what cost to the citizens of Newport Beach.

Ron Wells

Newport Beach


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