
CITY ROUNDUP: Postcard campaign launched

Save the Boom has kicked off its 2008 offensive to save the landmark Coast Inn and Boom Boom Room.

A winter-long campaign is underway to appeal to property owner Steven Udvar-Hazy to either sell the property to a buyer who will keep it as a gay establishment, or donate it to the city of Laguna Beach or to a newly created trust that will administer the property.

“Thousands of yellow postcards have been printed and we hope to fill his Los Angeles office with them,” said Fred Karger, founder of Save the Boom.


The properties were put up for sale by Udvar-Hazy in May 2007, after Udvar-Hazy decided not to pursue a redevelopment plan.

The Boom Boom Room closed in September and is now used primarily for private parties.

“The Coast Inn has 24 rooms and houses the oldest gay bar in the Western United States,” said Karger.

“Our efforts to save our landmark building have been going on for close to two years,” he added.

Karger hopes Udvar-Hazy will consider donating the building to the city of Laguna Beach or to a private trust that will continue it as a gay-oriented establishment.

“Mr. Udvar-Hazy is a very generous man,” Karger said. “He donated nearly $70 million to the Smithsonian to create The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center of The National Air and Space Museum.

This incredible museum is located near Washington Dulles International Airport, and opened in 2003. Now we sincerely hope that he will consider donating the historic building that he owns in Laguna Beach.”

Anyone interested in helping Operation Post Card should e-mail [email protected] or call (949) 494-4750.


Zero Trash event in Laguna on Saturday

Zero Trash Laguna encourages all Laguna Beach residents to pitch in this Saturday, starting at 8 a.m., to clean up trash on their streets and the city’s beaches.

Materials and trash pickers will be available at staging areas at Brooks Street beach, Oak Street beach, Thalia Street beach and at Hobie surf shop on Forest Avenue.

For more information, call (949) 275-2616 or e-mail [email protected].


Conservancy hosts water speakers

The Laguna Canyon Conservancy will host a dinner meeting Monday at Tivoli Terrace on the Festival of Arts grounds with special guest speakers on the topic “Laguna Water Crisis “” Fact, Fiction or Fable?”

Renae Hinchey, general manager of the Laguna Beach County Water District, and Mike Dunbar, general manager of South Coast Water District, will talk about water issues, including shrinking supplies, increasing rates, drought, delivery issues and the city’s reliance on imported water.

The event begins with a no-host bar at 6 p.m., with dinner at 6:45 and the program following. Dinner tickets are $15 for non-members and $10 for members. To reserve a ticket, call Ed at (949) 494-6465 and leave a name, phone number, and number of reservations requested.


‘Super Tuesday’ gathering at art gallery

The Laguna Beach Democratic Club will host a fundraiser and “Super Nova Tuesday” election night gathering to watch election results on a big-screen TV from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Tuesday at BC Space Gallery, 235 Forest Ave.

Admission is $25, including refreshments. A straw poll will be conducted of the presidential primary candidates.

Mark Chamberlain, gallery owner, will exhibit a collection of “edgy” political art. For more information, visit www.lagunabeachdemocratic

Women Voters group to meet Feb. 9

The next meeting of the Laguna Beach unit of the Orange County League of Women Voters will be at 9:15 a.m. Feb. 9 at the home of Siggy Johnson, 616 Mystic View.

The program will consist of two parts: Tom Osborne will discuss the Mayors’ Climate Initiative and Vera Martinez will report on the Laguna Beach Community Clinic. Guests are welcome. For more information, call Jean Raun, (949) 494-2247.


Garden Club topic is ‘Easy Roses’

The Laguna Beach Garden Club will present Stu Span, a consulting rosarian for the American Rose Society, at the next meeting, 9:30 a.m. Feb. 8. Span will talk on “Easy to Grow Roses.”

Span earned his degree in Ornamental Horticulture from the University of Maryland and later managed a large retail nursery in North Virginia.

Moving to Southern California in the early 1970s, he headed up the rose department at the Park Nursery in Long Beach. He is also a retired rosarian from Roger’s Gardens in Corona del Mar.

The club meeting will be at the Neighborhood Congregational Church, 340 St. Ann’s Drive, Laguna Beach. The social gathering starts at 9:30 a.m., featuring a boutique for unique garden items. The business meeting starts at 10 a.m., followed by the speaker at 10:30 a.m. The meeting is free one time for guests.

For more information on the garden club, visit www.lagunabeachgarden
