

The following is from the Laguna Beach City Council meeting of Jan. 22.



Orange County Human Relations Committee representatives Bill Wood and Susan Reese presented the committee’s annual report to the council and commended the city for its good record.

Only two hate crimes or incidents were documented in Laguna Beach in 2007.

Wood also reported that the committee mediated 16 court cases in which Laguna residents were involved.



[EDITOR’S NOTE: Members of the public generally are allowed three minutes to comment on issues not on the meeting agenda. The time may be shortened or lengthened at the discretion of the council.]


?John Latta, representative for the Orange County Firefighters Assn., introduced himself and said he was looking forward to a relationship with the City. Laguna’s firefighters have joined the association.



[EDITOR’S NOTE: Consent calendar items are approved in one motion unless a member of the council, staff or public “pull” the item, which then requires opening it for public comment and a separate vote.]


Approved without comment

?Minutes of the Jan. 8 adjourned and regular meeting

?Denial of Claim No. 07-51 filed by Lecia L. Shorter and Claim No. 07-52 filed by Alison Aranda on behalf of Jeff White and referred both claims to the City’s Claims Adjustor.

?General warrants of $20,278.06, issued Jan. 4 and $1,839,263.62, issued Jan. 11; and Payroll No. 14, in the amount of $650,040.56, issued Jan 4

?A resolution approving a property tax exchange agreement between the city and the county regarding the ACT V Annexation Area.

The city gets 62.9748% of the property tax revenue, based on an agreement between the city and county dated Oct. 8, 1980.

?A resolution authorizing the city manager to execute a grant application to the Orange County’s Regional Recycling and Waste Diversion Grant Program and to carry out the purposes specified in the application.

Funds must be used to develop new or expand existing programs or activities that enhance recycling efforts and the diversion of waste from landfills.

Laguna Beach is up for $20,000 of the total funds.

?Authorization for the city manager to execute an agreement with the county to accept Transportation Congestion Improvement Act funds passed through the county from the state.

?Revocable encroachment permit to construct at-grade steps and paving in the unimproved right-of-way at 1664 Catalina Street.

?Adoption of a resolution approving a lot line adjustment and the coastal development permit for the properties at 2108 Crestview Drive and 881 Gainsborough Drive.

?Acceptance of an Urban Areas Security Initiative grant; an increase in estimated revenues by $12,750 and appropriation of $12,750 for five laptops, two projectors, and one computer storage cart.

?Submittal of the final project agreement for Driving Under the Influence checkpoints to the California Office of Traffic Safety and appropriation of $11,626 for the grant with a matching increase in estimated revenue of $11,626.

?A $125,000 contract awarded to Moffatt and Nichol for the final design of the Zimmerman Storm Drain.

?A $20,000 contract awarded to KFM Engineering for preparation of the 2008 South Laguna Sidewalk Study.


Pulled for discussion

Contracts for work at the Community/Senior Center in the amount of $24,318 to Dockmaster for material lift; $21,824 to Shaw and Sons Concrete Contractors for fireplace hearth and mantel; $1,860 to Thermo-Rite Décor Fireplace Doors for glass fireplace doors.

Approved 4-0, Kinsman recused because she owns property in the noticing area.



A proposal for a project at 1500 Caribbean Way was returned to the Design Review Board for further review, with the stipulation that the structure could not exceed the present exterior height. The board denied the project, based on what they considered unreasonable view impacts because of the proposed height, too-massive landscaping and the variances.

The property owner appealed, but was unable to convince the council to allow an increase in the exterior height, which his representative claimed was necessary to raise the substandard 6-foot, 10-inch interior ceiling to 8 feet.
