
Harman happy with backing, doesn’t expect an opponent

A recent endorsement by the Senate Republican Caucus has left State Sen. Tom Harman feeling confident about his prospects for reelection this year.

The caucus, which includes all 15 Republican state senators in Sacramento, praised Harman as a “solid Republican vote” in the Senate.

“It is very positive — there are a total of 15 Republican Senators, including myself, and I got my endorsement from the other 14,” he said. “I am very pleased and proud that they are supportive of my reelection effort, and I thank them for that. Like any group of individuals, sometimes we agree or agree to disagree, but we’re all on the same page about this.”


Despite the consensus, the senator acknowledged there was “word on the street” he might face a challenger to his Republican nomination this year, but felt confident that this endorsement would discourage such a political challenge.

“They’re going to see that the entire Senate Caucus is backing me, and it’s no secret that their caucus has political campaign money and can help me financially,” he said. “No one has officially announced yet, though, so we’ll just have to wait and see.”

The deadline for a declaration of candidacy for State Senate is March 7.

— Chris Caesar
