

The following is from the Jan. 8 meeting of the Laguna Beach Unified School District Board of Education.

Physical education policy discussed

The board held its first reading of a proposed modification to a physical education policy which would require independent study students to complete a certain number of hours per week of activity in order to be exempt from participating in standard mandatory physical education classes.

Only a handful of students currently take advantage of the exception, which is geared toward students who are professional- or pre-professional-level athletes in a particular sport.


Parents of a student gymnast and crew athlete spoke at the meeting in support of the modification.

The board recommended a minimum of 10 hours per week of instruction, not including competition or performance time.

A draft policy will be brought back to the board for approval.

Sister city decision postponed

A scheduled motion to support the city in its sister city partnership with Menton, France, was postponed until the City Council made its own decision regarding the partnership.
