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The Environmental Protection Agency recently denied California’s request to use its own law to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles, prompting Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to threaten a lawsuit against the federal government.

President Bush defended the EPA decision, arguing that his administration was pursuing a “more effective” national effort and that the energy bill he recently signed lessens the need for states to take action individually.

Congressional Democrats appear to be ramping up an investigation as they demand all EPA correspondence related to the decision.


Do you think state officials should continue the fight to set their own rules?

No, I don’t believe California or any other state should have a separate mileage rule to cure problems that are national or global in nature. The bill that I supported and the president signed that was just passed in Congress was a compromise and was clearly the voice of the national government on a national and global issue. We do not want a patchwork of states overturning a federal compromise.

John Campbell

(R-Newport Beach)

No. Legal action by California will have zero impact on the world’s climate, (and the issue is not pollution but climate change) but it will have a major impact on the economic well-being of the people of California.

Dana Rohrabacher

(R-Huntington Beach)
