

The following is from the Laguna Beach City Council meeting of Dec. 4.



Editor’s Note: Members of the public generally are allowed three minutes-each to comment on issues not on the meeting agenda. The time may be shortened or lengthened at the discretion of the council.

?Linda Wright presented the city with a copy of her book, “Building Our New Playground, Moulton Meadows Park.”

The book is a pictorial history of the renovations to the park, undertaken for the benefit of her 4-year-old grandson, who was expecting the playground to come to him. Wright explained that he would have to come to the playground during visits with her. She hated to disappoint him, and the book was her way of sending the playground to him.


?Attorney Gene Gratz noted that anti-illegal immigration activist Eileen Garcia’s lawsuit against the Day Labor Site cost the city $75,000 in legal fees to defend. Garcia brought the suit against the city for its $22,000 grant to the Cross Cultural Council, which was used to operate the hiring center on Laguna Canyon Road.

“The city recently prevailed in that lawsuit,” Gratz said. “While it is easier when you have truth, justice and the American Way on your side, it still was a rather monumental achievement on the part of (city law firm) Rutan & Tucker and it should be remarked.”



?City Clerk Martha Anderson announced that Quality Code Publishing has the Laguna Beach Municipal Code on line on the city’s web site,

?Newly seated Mayor Pro Tem Cheryl Kinsman asked for feedback from the public on services provided by Velma Ybarra, the city’s new receptionist at the main entrance to City Hall.

?Jane Egly confided that she will be OK as a mayor, but she sometimes needs help in the kitchen. She thanked the fire department for its prompt response to a kitchen fire at her home around Thanksgiving. Firefighters were able to ascertain with use of a thermal imaging camera that the fire was contained in the oven and it was not necessary to knock down any walls for investigation.



Editor’s Note: Consent calendar items get approved in one motion unless a member of the council, staff or public “pull” the item, which then requires opening it for public comment and a separate vote.

Approved without comment:

?Minutes of the Nov. 20 adjourned and regular meeting.

?General warrants totaling $3,218,700.05, issued Nov. 16 and payroll No. 11, in the amount of $626,911.75, issued Nov. 21.

?City treasurer’s monthly report for October.

?Resolution extending the Bluebird Canyon Emergency Declaration, which is valid for only 21 days and must be renewed.

?Formal approval of the city’s investment policy for 2008.

?A $119,830 bid from Villa Ford in Orange for the purchase of five 2008 Crown Victoria Police Interceptors and a $32,335 bid from Wondries Fleet Group in Alhambra for the purchase of one 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe PPV.

?Revocable license and encroachment permit for the property at 639 Mystic Way.

?Contracts for the Community/Senior Center project on Third Street: $7,500 to Elecore Architectural Accents for a firebox and flue; $180,540 to Borbon Inc. for painting.

?A $28,505 maximum contract to Psomas for assessment engineering services related to two proposed underground utilities assessment districts.

Award of a contract to Motorola as the sole source vendor for the replacement of 18 portable radios for the use of the Fire Department when a nationwide “rebanding” of the 800 MHz spectrum takes place in 2008. No amount specified.

?Authorization for the city manager to enter into the county’s Memo of Understanding and Implementation Agreement 07-102 for the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan to secure $784,000 in grant funding for Heisler Park.

?Shift $50,000 from the Corporation Yard Project to resurface the Lumberyard Parking Lot, Employees Parking Lot and the existing maintenance yard next to city hall and award the $228,157 contract to Tyner Paving Co.

?Adoption of resolutions determining the unpaid assessments and manner of payment and listing bonds issued on the security thereof; awarding the sale of limited obligation improvement bonds under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915; covenanting diligent persecution of foreclosure of delinquent assessments; and appropriation of $1,267,363 for the construction of utility improvements in Assessment District 06-2 and increase revenues by the same amount.


Pulled for discussion:

Authorization for the city manager to execute an agreement between the city and the California Coastal Commission whereby the city will receive $50,000-$70,000 to help reconstruct the Brooks Street stairs to the beach. 4-0, Kinsman recused herself because she owns property in the area affected by the project.



The council maintained the status quo of assignments to organizations and committees with the exception of Councilman Kelly Boyd replacing the mayor on Irvine Bowl Policy Committee. A complete list is available in the City Clerk’s office at City Hall.



Single-use, expanded polystyrene or nonrecyclable plastic food containers and kitchen ware will be banned in Laguna Beach food establishments, city facilities and related concessions, city-sponsored events or franchises on city property starting July 1.



The council approved four interim recommendations from the city Environmental Committee in support of the U. S. Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement: waiver of city permit fees for solar energy installations; immediate implementation of the June 2007 Southern California Edison energy audit; establishment of a formal policy committing the city to buy only fuel-efficient vehicles when feasible and available “” which the city has been doing for about 20 years, according to the city manager; creation of an environmental information and links page on the city’s web site for folks to review environmental sustainability and climate protection information.



A proposal was approved to change the zoning of the westerly 50 feet of a parcel at 1435 N. Coast Hwy. (Crescent Bay Inn) from single-family residential to commercial-neighborhood.

The existing motel consists of three buildings, one of them on a sub-standard sized, landlocked, R-1 portion of the split-zoned parcel. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended the zoning change.



The council approved Kinsman’s proposal to transfer $1,000 from its training, travel and dues account to the Heritage Committee for out-of-pocket expenses spent on Laguna Beach Heritage Month activities, which has been borne by committee members in past years.



The council voted to uphold the approval by the Design Review Board of a project at 2481 Monaco Drive. The decision was appealed automatically because a member of the board is the project architect.
