
Harman receives Civil Justice Leadership award

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Sen. Tom Harman was given the Civil Justice Leadership Award from the Civil Justice Assn. of California Monday for his legislative efforts in the 2006-07 legislative session.

The association, which works to reduce what the group characterizes as frivolous lawsuits against industry and government, praised the senator’s work on civil justice reform.

“Sen. Harman’s commitment to balance and fairness in California’s civil justice system is good for consumers, taxpayers and businesses of all kinds,” John H. Sullivan, the association’s president, stated in a news release. Harman said in a news release that he would remain vigilant in combating “abuses that exist within our judicial system.”


“I am honored to have received this very prestigious award from one of the state’s leaders championing tort reform,” he said. “I look forward to continuing to work with the Civil Justice Association toward this common goal.”

— Chris Caesar
