

Things we’re grateful for in Huntington Beach:

 Our men and women in uniform, such as Pfc. Garrett Ferguson of Huntington Beach (and we’re sure he’s pretty thankful his parents are cool enough to enlist a few Playboy models to visit him at his R&R; party)

 The surf — fer sure, dude

 Surf City Nights on Main Street

 Bolsa Chica wetlands

 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s independent streak (he’s a quote machine!)

 Assemblyman Jim Silva and State Sen. Tom Harman (they sure write a lot of commentaries for us on this page)

 Our regular letter writers on the editorial page (you know who you are)

 The Poseidon water plant (it generates a lot of buzz on our editorial page)

 Environmentalists such as Huntington Beach resident Tom Jones, who recently paddled along the coast to raise awareness about plastics dumped in the ocean; if only more shared his commitment we wouldn’t have to worry about global warming.


 Nick Delgado. He lifted 50,645 pounds in a single hour to try to establish a new world record and raise money for autism and cerebral palsy research. The 52-year-old fitness freak gives hope to middle-aged guys everywhere.

 That Ralphs gave up its hold on the shuttered shopping center at Brookhurst Street and Hamilton Avenue, finally allowing for some redevelopment there.

 The public nudity ordinance (man, did that generate a lot of laughs in the newsroom)

 Dog Beach. Thank God reason prevailed and the city figured out a way to settle the issue with a compromise that makes everyone happy.

Things we’re not so grateful for:

 That the ridiculous legal war with Santa Cruz over the “Surf City USA” trademark continues. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, negotiations with Santa Cruz broke down and the farce continues.

 The eternally debated Parkside Estates housing development proposed south of Warner Avenue on the west side of Graham Street. We’re grateful it generates so much news for us, but the issue has gotten more perplexing than Amy Winehouse’s recent career choices.

 Speaking of train wrecks, former Mayor Pam Houchen and everyone else involved in that condo conversion scam. Good riddance to you. We’re grateful, at least, you’re finally out of the public eye.

Happy Thanksgiving, folks!
