
EDITORIAL: Gearing up for holidays

Laguna is getting ready for another sparkling holiday season. Many shops already have “winterized” with snow-globes, “icicles” and snow drifts in the windows. Gorgeous holiday decor is going up all over town.

Mini-lights are already up on city street trees and commercial buildings, and soon the whole city will have that magical holiday glow.

Even though a late heat wave has sent many to the beaches, visitors in flip-flops are oohing and aahing over the sumptuous holiday decor downtown.


It seems “the holidays” start earlier and earlier, but the fact is there are only 39 shopping days to Christmas, so it’s time to get a jump on.

You can find all kinds of holiday goodies in Laguna’s many shops, and local artists and artisans are setting out their wares for gift-giving and trimming your home for this special time of year.

The Sawdust’s Winter Fantasy festival starts this weekend, and Laguna residents are invited to attend at 2 p.m. Saturday at no charge.

The Sawdust’s Christmas tree will be lit at 5:30 p.m. Saturday to mark the official opening of the festival.

This is the official start of the holiday season in Laguna, to be followed Dec. 7 with the Chamber of Commerce’s always-fun Hospitality Night, featuring a special visit from Mr. Claus and the lighting of the City Hall pepper tree.

Many organizations are planning festive holiday events and there are good times to look forward to.

We hope everyone has a bountiful Thanksgiving with plenty of good food and company.

Laguna has much to be thankful for this year — most particularly the fact that the city was not touched by the unprecedented October wildfires that devastated so many other areas.

The City Council is taking a number of extra steps to prevent and prepare for fire or another disaster, and all residents should follow their lead by checking on smoke detectors and removing plant growth that could bring fire to their doorsteps.

As the holiday season ramps up, it’s good to remember “safety first.”
