

While today is Veterans Day, it comes in the same month as Thanksgiving and the beginning of our holiday season. We need thank the veterans for their service to the country not only today, but every day.

The veterans have made a sacrifice that many of us haven’t made, given their time and talent for their country and during the time of war, lost comrades. Our active duty and reserve units of our Armed Forces and their families make sacrifices on our behalf as well. Thank all of them!

You can say thank you to the families of Marines and sailors from Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center on Saturday, Nov. 17 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hearts and Hands Day at the LDS Church at 16th Street and Irvine Avenue. If you are coming to thank the families, bring some “Troop Treats,” which will be mailed to service members in Iraq and Afghanistan.


“Troop Treats” are wrapped candy that won’t melt in shipping — gum, mints, hard candy, candy canes, tubs of licorice, Gummi Bears, beef jerky, nuts, dried fruit, canned pretzels, chips or microwave popcorn. Other gifts could include stationery, stamps, stickers, disposable razors, small games, auto or motorcycle magazines, Reader’s Digest, paperback books (used is fine), CDs, DVDs and video games (nothing with war or heavy sexual content) and logo T-shirts — new or barely used.

If you travel for the holidays as I do and you see service personnel at the airport, take time to say thank you. Buy them a beverage. Show interest in them: They will go home feeling good, and you will too!


I miss seeing Art Gronsky speeding around Newport Beach with his arm hanging out the window of his classic black 1956 Ford Thunderbird. I think he knew every police officer in Newport Beach, and I am not aware he ever received a speeding ticket — or at least one that he talked about.

Art died at 87 on Oct. 19 after a lifetime of community involvement.

At one time or another he owned Art’s Landing, the Balboa Pavilion and the Dunes Marine Service.

Art had time to be a friend to our family, as he did with a lot of families. Always encouraging, always with a smile.

His friends will have a chance to honor him on Sunday, Nov. 18 at 2 p.m. at the American Legion Hall with a celebration of life.


The Thought for the Day as provided by Greg Kelley of the Newport-Mesa-Irvine Interfaith Council: “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”

— Mark Twain

COMMUNITY & CLUBS is published Sundays in the Daily Pilot. Send your service club’s meeting information by fax to (714) 921-8655 or by e-mail to jdeboom@
