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President Bush is asking Congress for $46 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Democrats say they want him to spell out a plan to get the troops home and won’t move quickly to approve the request. Where do you stand on the issue and why?

The president has already laid out his plan to get out of Iraq, which includes having the Iraqi people stand up and take charge of their country. His plan is clear; that we win but no deadlines are set. I support the idea that we should not be anxious to declare defeat at the same time I support a responsible, phased withdrawal.

Dana Rohrabacher


(R-Huntington Beach)

Democrats are asking the wrong question. The timetable for drawing down the troops in Iraq should be determined by military and diplomatic factors on the ground. Since the situation is improving, the question I intend to ask is what has changed to need $46 billion more than what was estimated just five months ago?


John Campbell


(R-Newport Beach)
