
Harman says bill will leave educators open to lawsuits

State Sen. Tom Harman criticized Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for signing a bill that prohibits lesson plans that negatively portray people based on their gender, sexual orientation or religion. Harman believes the law, which he said should already be covered in state codes, will leave educators open to discrimination lawsuits.

“Since the Education Code already specifically protects against the type of discrimination targeted in [Senate Bill 777] this legislation is unnecessary and will have many adverse consequences on the moral and religious teaching within families,” he said in a news release.

The law, which takes effect Jan. 1, will prohibit any public or private school from instruction that reflects negatively on any person based on their gender, sexual orientation or religion.


The law will now consider any teaching promoting traditional families as discriminatory, as well as terms of “mom and dad” or “husband and wife” if same-sex couples aren’t also mentioned, Harman argues.

As the lead Republican in the Senate Judiciary Committee, Harman was first to cast his “no” vote on the Senate floor. Schwarzenegger vetoed similar legislation last year.

— Joseph Serna
