
MAILBAG: Williams’ Pilot tantrum is typical

“Civil journalism should be Pilot’s responsibility,” write Robert and Barbara Shelton (“Democracy can’t be forced on Mideast countries,” Sept. 19). “Something’s badly amiss at the Daily Pilot when you headline a spiteful, personal attack on columnist Joseph Bell by Tom Williams.”

So what else is new? The Pilot has consistently turned a blind eye to Williams’ rhetorical tantrums since at least 1999.

On Dec. 16 of that year, it devoted 479 words and 12 column inches to a Williams’ letter which began as follows: “I thought Geraldo Rivera was the all-time, world champion Bill Clinton ‘behind-kisser.’ That was until I read Joe Bell’s pathetic column in the Pilot.”


Williams concluded that letter with, this gem, “My opinion of Bell is that we’d all be better served if he would confine himself to ... kissing Clinton’s behind — which he is infinitely more qualified to do — rather than give us his half-baked, moronic opinions on national defense.”

Last week, Williams penned his latest stink bomb, and the Pilot duly printed it. Business as usual.


Newport Beach

‘Such a Happy Day’ with Chemerinsky

Erwin Chemerinsky is the best single thing, educationally, politically, and right on down the list to meteorologically, since the opening of UC Irvine itself.

Anyone who would have the guts and grit to defend Valerie Plame Wilson against the Roves and Bushes of this sorriest-in-history executive branch would get my vote for all kinds of things, and jobs.

But, as dean of our local law school? As Jackie Gleason would say, “How sweeet it is!”


