
SURFING SOAPBOX: Locals want the Roof Top

I will never understand the way things work in this town.

Next Tuesday on the City Council docket is the issue of the Roof Top bar and whether Laguna Beach residents will still be able to frequent one of the nicest places to go for good food and drinks while at the same time enjoying picturesque views.

The Roof Top, as it has become known, is truly unique. It is one of the places that make our town so special because it showcases the beauty of the coastline and hillsides. This is one of the reasons Laguna Beach has become a worldwide destination resort town, and no longer a sleepy little beach town.

The “powers at be” let MTV come in, and now they want to take away the freedom of choice of Laguna residents by limiting access to the Roof Top to hotel guests only.


It doesn’t feel right that, after three years of operation under the same ownership, our city council for some reason wants to swoop in and ban locals. Even stranger, I see our own City Council members enjoying themselves there.

This is the reward for someone who has worked so hard to turn around a hotel that was run down for more than a decade. That’s the reward for turning a business into a classy hangout, which is what Laguna has now become known for.

This is a place where Laguna residents go to enjoy themselves. Whether it is to watch the sunset or attend a birthday party or a sparkling white wedding, the residents of this town should be able to choose for themselves where they like to go.

And this resident for one chooses the Roof Top.

