
Legion installs new officers

The Laguna Beach American Legion Post and Auxiliary installed officers for the 2007-2008 year term May 10.

Bill Sandlin was reelected as commander for a second year and Diane Connell will serve her seventh year as Auxiliary President.

Clay Baxter, Commander of Richard M. Nixon Post 679, was the installing officer at the ceremony.


Additional officers are:

1st Vice Commander: Hal Werthe;

2nd Vice Commander: Dave Connell;

Adjutant/Finance Officer: Jim Law;

Assistant Adjutant: Richard Moore;

Sergeant-at-Arms: Don Hurlbut;

Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms: Norm Abbod;

Chaplain: Larry Blank;

Assistant Chaplain: Frank Visca;

Service Officer: Hal Werthe;

Judge Advocate: Dean Petersen; and

Junior Past Commander: Richard Moore.

Also at the same meeting, officers of Post 222 Auxiliary were installed:

Vice President: Sandi Werthe;

Secretary/Treasurer: Jean Law;

Sergeant-at-Arms: Toni Abbod; and

Chaplain: Madeleine Visca.

The installation was conducted by President Diane Connell. After the ceremonies, refreshments were served.
