
MAILBAG:New resident shouldn’t be writing about the Costa Mesa area

I do not appreciate all the changes to the paper, especially the new [police files] map that puts me across the street from Newport Heights Elementary school in a district that includes South Coast Plaza and other areas that are probably as far away from me as the outer reaches of Newport Coast. It makes very little, if any, sense, but that’s really not what upsets me the most.

What upsets me the most is putting James Righeimer, who recently moved here, on the front page of the paper. Someone needs to investigate Righeimer. What’s his agenda and why is he now speaking for Costa Mesa, or anybody for that matter?


Costa Mesa

Sick-out inappropriate

I’m a retired teacher, and I think [the teacher sick-out protest] was absolutely inappropriate. It’s not fair to the students.


There are legal ways teachers can protest. Teaching in Newport Beach is a lot easier, I’m sure, than teaching in Watts, so if those salaries are lower, that might be a good reason. If you want a higher salary, apply somewhere else where they pay more.


Corona Del Mar

Carter exercised his right to free speech

In response to the comment on your front page from Ila Johnson regarding President Carter disrespecting a sitting president (Web Threads, May 1), I would like to point out that Mr. Carter was exercising his right to free speech. As a citizen, Mr. Carter is entitled to voice his opinions anytime he wants. Come to think of it, Ms. Johnson is disrespecting a former president with her use of the word “disgrace,” but that is her right, although I do not have to agree with her.


Costa Mesa

Teach-outs are better

We had [a teachers “sick-out” protest] in the ‘80s while I was at Pomona Elementary school, and we had a half-day teach-out, which means we taught school till noon, and after lunch we left the children on the yard until time to go home. We took turns with yard duty, but we did not teach from noon until 3 p.m. instead of having substitutes. So I would suggest the teachers try that. Do a teach-out.”


Newport Beach

EDITOR’S NOTE: Greer is a former Newport-Mesa school district teacher.

Sick-out was appropriate

It is kind of interesting that our teachers are the lowest paid in Orange County, considering our demographics. So, I think it’s an appropriate way [to protest] — but just for one day. Kids have substitutes all year long, so it’s just another day of substitutes. Will it be effective? That’s yet to be seen. But appropriate? Sure, why not?”


Costa Mesa

Government doesn’t always know better

The government thinks it knows better about a pregnant woman’s medical treatment than her doctors, family, and the woman herself. It thought the same about Terri Schiavo.


