

Interfaith Council invites participation

The Laguna Beach Interfaith Council is made up of lay leaders of the many religious groups in Laguna Beach. The purpose of the council is to further communication among the various religious institutions of Laguna Beach and the social service agencies serving residents.

Recently members of this group attended an interfaith event on the Queen Mary sponsored by the Four Chaplains Foundation at which prizes were given to outstanding recipients.

Among those receiving awards were a Dutch engineer, Derk Rijks, who supplied materials and training to build simple $8 solar ovens in Darfur refugee camps, and 14-year-old Jaime Bergeson, who began Teens4peace to publicize and protest the genocide in Darfur.


The Four Chaplains Foundation was created to memorialize the four Chaplains “” a Catholic, a Rabbi and two Protestants “” who gave their life jackets to others when the USS Dorchester was torpedoed during World War II.

The Interfaith Council invites anyone interested to attend their next meeting at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church at 3 p.m. Thursday, March 15. For more information, call Ann Richardson, (949) 683- 6242.

Part 2 of ‘Dad’ video to be shown

All dads are invited to view part two of Fritz Coleman’s video, “It’s Me, Dad” on Monday, Feb.12 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Laguna Presbyterian Church. Dinner from Subway and homemade salad will be served for $6. Discussion will follow the video.

NBC weatherman Fritz Coleman made the video when his sons were infants and kept it in a vault to show them as teenagers. Part one was shown last month.

The Dads Group seeks to provide a place where dads of infants through high-schoolers can be encouraged, mentored and find support, prayer and answers in a relaxed atmosphere.

Dads Group meets in the Blue House behind the church next to the church parking lot on Third Street between Forest Avenue and Mermaid Street. Contact Steve Sweet, assistant pastor, for further information.

All dads are welcome. For reservations, contact the church office at (949) 494-7555.
