
Fantasy football party

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It’s a party that’s been raging annually for 13 years.

Inside the home of Chuck and Elaine Cassity, Super Bowl fanatics have gathered since 1994 to revel in the football game of the year, and more good food and libations than both team’s starting lineups could put away during all the expensive commercials.

Hundreds of family, friends and football enthusiasts packed into nearly every square inch of space at the Cassity’s home on Boa Vista Drive in Costa Mesa to watch the Indianapolis Colts take on the Chicago Bears in Super Bowl XLI, Sunday.

The game kicked off at 3:25 p.m. Pacific Standard Time in Miami, Florida. By that time, however, the party on Boa Vista Drive had been in full swing for more than an hour. Guests huddled around four television sets, one of which was outside by the pool.


Partyers were still pouring in by half time, but with no need to worry about missing out on some great food.

The three counter tops and island inside the kitchen were a pileup of taco makings, sandwiches, sushi, salad, potato skins and desserts. A chocolate fountain enticed guests to dip an assortment of creampuffs, strawberries, marshmallows and other treats while having an outstanding view of the largest television set in the house.

Cassity’s chili has earned a winning reputation among those who visit. Many probably recall its piquancy better than the winner of the football championship year after year.

The Cassity family first moved into their home in 1979, although renovations that doubled its square footage were not completed until 1994. Every additional inch is meant for the purpose of entertaining guests; the house can’t go any further up or sideways, said Chuck Cassity. “The word’s out on this place. We have a lot of friends and they have a lot of friends.

“Our only rule is guests of guests may not bring guests,” Chuck added with a laugh.
