
CITYSCAPE ROUNDUP:Heisler Park gets $800,000 grant

The State Water Resources Control Board has approved an $800,000 grant for the Heisler Park Restoration Project, City Manager Ken Frank announced Jan. 26.

The grant will be matched by an equal amount of city money, which has already been budgeted.

“We will soon be competing in another round of grants, and we expect that the remaining portions of the Heisler Park project may be eligible in that competition, which might enable us to complete the entire project sooner than expected,” Frank said.


Festival traffic signal implemented

Pedestrians crossing Laguna Canyon Road to reach the Festival of Arts and Laguna Playhouse will now have an easier time navigating the busy intersection at Forest Avenue.

Caltrans activated a new traffic signal on Laguna Canyon Road in front of the Festival of Arts grounds this week. The signal will have the pedestrian countdown signals like the ones at the intersection of Broadway and Coast Highway, according to City Manager Ken Frank.

The left-turn pockets into the city employee lot, and the festival lot will have protected left-turn arrows, while the driveways from the employee lot and the festival parking lot will not because of the lower traffic volumes from opposing directions.

The signal will be constantly green for Laguna Canyon Road unless activated by a pedestrian or a vehicle in one of the left-turn pockets or one of the driveways. When activated, the signal will change in coordination with the signal at Forest Avenue.

Morris steps down as Seniors executive

Laguna Beach Seniors announced Feb. 1 that Anne Morris has stepped down as executive director. Morris played a key role in mustering the support of Laguna Beach seniors to press for final city approval of the new senior/community center.

Morris is credited with taking an agency that had largely been an all-volunteer organization to a new level of professionalism, with new staff and programs.

During a transitional period, Carole Zavala of CZ Associates will serve as acting director. A non-profit management consultant, Zavala has been working with the agency since last June to help it prepare for the opening of the new senior center.

“Laguna Beach Seniors will miss Annie’s enthusiasm and energy,” said Lee Andersen, president of the board of directors. “We wish her the best in her new endeavors.”

“I have had such a rewarding year. We’re close to our goals for the capital campaign and about to break ground for the new center. The agency’s doing great, and I’m going to stay involved, but it’s time for a new adventure,” Morris said.

Clinic gets Komen grant

The Laguna Beach Community Clinic has been granted $50,000 from the Orange County Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure to help provide low-income, underinsured and uninsured women patients access to clinical breast exams, breast health education, case management and counseling.

The grant is part of a record $1,048,554 in grants to community groups — funds raised through the 15th annual Susan G. Komen Orange County Race for the Cure

Garden Club to hear about beautification

Ora Sterling will be talking to the Laguna Beach Garden Club about the Laguna Beach Beautification Council at the club’s monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 9.

Also featured is the annual Valentine’s Day Basket Silent Auction of arrangements of living plants in containers, made and donated by club members.

The club’s social gathering starts at 9:30 a.m. and the business meeting, program speaker, and silent auction takes place at 10 a.m.

The meeting will be held at the Neighborhood Congregational Church, on the corner of St. Anne’s Drive and Glenneyre Street in Laguna Beach. Free once for guests. For more information,

Two extra days to file taxes for 2006

Taxpayers in California will have an extra two days to file their state income taxes this year as the Franchise Tax Board announced Wednesday it would push back the deadline to April 17.

The move in California was made to sync with the Internal Revenue Service’s date change for the federal deadline. The new deadline will apply to all 2006 state and federal income tax returns, balance due payments and individual estimated tax payments for the first quarter of 2007.

California’s taxpayers will get an automatic six-month extension to file their state tax returns. Payments will still be due by the new deadline of April 17.

Hospital gift shop holds clearance sale

The South Coast Medical Center Auxiliary gift shop is having a clearance sale on Wednesday in the hospital lobby from 7:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. The sale features major price reductions on almost everything.

All proceeds go directly to help South Coast Medical Center provide needed healthcare services.

South Coast Medical Center is located at 31872 Coast Highway in Laguna Beach. For more information, contact the Auxiliary Office at (949) 499-1311.

Caring for aged loved ones

Anyone looking for support in caring for an aged loved one is invited to gather at 7 p.m. on the first Monday of each month in the parlor of Laguna Presby- terian Church, 415 Forest Ave. The next meeting will be Monday.

The parlor of the church is located at the corner of the rose garden on Second Avenue, near Forest Avenue.

There is no charge. For more information, contact Kathy Sizer at (949) 494-7555.
