

Parked, occupied vehicles containing one or more persons are especially significant if observed at an unusual hour. They could be lookouts for a burglary in progress, even if the occupants appear to be lovers.

Any vehicle moving slowly and without lights or following a course that appears aimless or repetitive is suspicious. Occupants may be casing for places to rob or burglarize.

Apparent business transactions conducted from a vehicle, especially around schools or parks and if juveniles are involved, could mean drug sales.


Persons being forced into vehicles — especially if they are juveniles or females — may mean a possible kidnapping. Record the license plates and call police.

An abandoned vehicle parked on your block may be stolen. Contact parking control with a license plate number.

Place gravel outside windows where you’re concerned about prowlers. The noise of someone stepping on it will serve to alert you.

Seemingly innocent activities may be crimes in progress. Be a good neighbor, be observant and watch for unusual activity.

A home window with a small break in it may mean a burglary has occurred. Call police immediately.

A stranger entering your neighbor’s house when it is unoccupied may be a burglar.

A scream heard anywhere may mean robbery or rape. Be observant and notify police.

Anyone removing accessories, license plates or gasoline from a car should be reported.

Anyone peering into parked cars may be looking for a car to steal or for valuables left in the car.

Persons entering or leaving a business place after hours could be burglars. Safely try to note any vehicles involved and call police.

The sound of breaking glass or other loud, explosive noises could mean an accident, housebreaking or vandalizing.

Persons loitering around schools, parks, secluded areas or in the neighborhood could be sex offenders.

Nearly half of the burglaries committed are done without force, that is, through unlocked doors and windows.

Always lock your doors and windows even when leaving for “just a minute” or when working in your own back yard.

Whenever you move to a new home, have the locks changed.

If strangers telephone or come to your door, don’t admit that you are alone.

Don’t let any stranger into your home — no matter what the reason or how dire the emergency is supposed to be. Make the emergency phone call while they wait outside.

If you live in an apartment, avoid being in the laundry room or garage by yourself, especially at night.

Install a peephole viewer in your door. Never open your door without knowing who is on the other side. Also, consider calling the visitor’s business office to confirm the appointment.

Whenever possible, travel with a friend. Keep your car in good working order, especially before long trips, and keep the gas tank at least half full.

Stay in well-lighted areas as much as possible when walking at night. Avoid walking alone or with your hands full.

Walk confidently, directly and at a steady pace on the side of the street facing traffic. Criminals look for someone who appears vulnerable.

Walk close to the curb. Avoid doorways, bushes and alleys where If a car appears to be following you, turn and walk in the opposite direction or walk on the other side of the street.

If you are in danger, scream and run, or yell “fire.” Run toward lights or people.

Always lock car doors after entering or leaving your car. Don’t leave valuables in plain view.

Have your car keys in your hand and check the back seat area before entering your car.

If you think you are being followed, drive to a public place or to a police or sheriff’s station.

Your best defense is to be prepared — know your options ahead of time. Your safety may depend upon your ability to stay cool and calm.

Require salespeople or repair people to show identification.
