
EDITORIAL:A nice gift for Laguna Beach

Hospitality Night is always a great kick-off to the holiday season in Laguna, but last Friday’s, the 50th, was an especially memorable one.

The city, Chamber of Commerce and the downtown merchants gave folks a jolly, if somewhat brisk, evening of holiday cheer.

Santa was welcomed by an enthusiastic crowd of revelers, and he then went on to pick the winner of a new Mini Cooper — adding to the excitement of the evening.


The downtown merchants go all out for this night, decking their rooftops and windows with lights and décor that make the town twinkle with charm.

The Visitors and Conference Bureau is doing its part, trying something new.

Instead of bagging downtown parking meters to give shoppers free parking, bright orange shuttle buses are plying the roads on weekends, giving free rides at all the regular bus stops in Laguna.

Now that the holiday shopping season is under way in earnest, we would like to encourage Lagunans to “shop Laguna.” It’s a good way for your purchasing power to benefit your neighbors and yourself.

Remember, the half-cent extra sales tax you pay in Laguna goes toward helping defray the costs of the Bluebird Canyon landslide of June 1, 2005. The restoration project is still ongoing, and it’s expensive for such a small city, despite the assistance of FEMA and the state.

Aside from doing your civic duty, there are so many small, wonderful shops with interesting quality merchandise, and many offer “locals only” discounts, so it’s wise to ask.

From the jewelers on Forest Avenue to the galleries that offer one-of-a-kind items, to the plethora of fashionable boutiques and juniors shops, there is truly something for everyone on your list.

One of the pleasures of shopping Laguna is discovering the treasures that can be found not just on major streets but in little, out-of-the-way shops on side streets and byways.

Of course, the Sawdust Winter Festival is in full swing as well, a winter wonderland of fun and gift-shopping.

Many shops are keeping their doors open well into the evening, so you can make it a night of fine dining and shopping — all in Laguna.
