

If the city of Anaheim can have parking permits for their residents who live contiguous to the Anaheim Convention Center, why shouldn’t Newport Beach residents have the same rights?

It distresses me to see what Ocean Boulevard in Corona del Mar looks like after the weekend with trash everywhere; it reminds one of a third-world country. These poor residents are entitled to park their cars in their own neighborhoods and live in peace and quiet at night, but this is impossible for one-fourth of each year.

Can anyone tell us why it’s OK for Anaheim residents, but not for Newport Beach residents, to have parking permits?



Newport Coast

It’s a good idea and about time. There are vandals, vagrants and thieves that don’t live here but take advantage of those who do. This would help curtail their nightly predations. Do it!


Corona del Mar

No parking permits or any other public street parking privileges should be issued to or provided for any residents! Public beach access and ample parking access are rights of the public at large, and neither needs to be restricted in any way to a privileged few. It’s hard enough to get to the public beaches on crowded summer days as it is. Restricting public street parking would make it even more of a challenge. The congestion, mess and chaos all come with the territory and contribute to the beach’s charm — not to mention the city’s economy.

My recommendation to the arrogant few who live near the beach and don’t like the chaos that goes with such living: Move to a protected gated community where you don’t have to put up with the riff-raff.


Newport Beach

Please start having restricted parking above the beach on Ocean Boulevard. We recently visited friends and could not even park within three blocks of their home; also, people were standing around their cars eating and talking, like a tailgate party.

The city should take this matter under consideration.


Corona del Mar

I was just reading about the proposed parking permits, and I certainly think that would be a wonderful thing to put into effect as soon as possible, particularly through the summer months. And I think it should start at the point just after Main Street on the peninsula.


Balboa Peninsula
