

Board to consider advertising in schools

The Laguna Beach Board of Education will hold a public hearing on whether to allow commercial advertising in the schools at its next meeting, 7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 12. The meeting will take place in the board room at district headquarters, 550 Blumont St. Information: (949) 497-7700 or

Head Start fundraiser Sept. 16

Orange County Head Start will hold a fundraiser at Anneliese’s Willowbrook campus, 20062 Laguna Canyon Dr., from 6 to 9 p.m. Sept. 16.

Carlana Stone, the first American woman to fly solo in a single-engine aircraft and author of “Never Give In, Never Give Up,” will speak. Lucia Palacios, executive director of Orange County Head Start, and Anneliese Schimmelpfennig, founder of Anneliese’s Schools, will also speak.

Local musicians Kathryn Lowe and Gina Kessler will provide entertainment. A silent auction featuring items including a boot camp experience, airplane and helicopter rides, and restaurant and spa certificates will be held.


Admission is $25, and will benefit Orange County Head Start. Information and reservations: (949) 305-4025.

More new LBUSD employees announced

The Laguna Beach Unified School District has announced additional new staff members.

The district’s central office has added Marcos Rojas as systems administrator in technical services; Long Le as help desk technician; and Irene White as director of special education/student services.

Debra Ann Nichol is a new special education teacher at Thurston Middle School.

El Morro Elementary has introduced Speech/Language Specialist Kimberly Doran and new teachers Heather Evans and Kimberly Yarberry.

Top of the World Elementary has added teachers Brett Bond, Megan Bartlett, Dustin Gowan, Launa Nacion-Kirkey, Carrie Riordan, Julie Toro and Michelle Douglass to its ranks, along with Speech and Language Specialist Corinne Karidis.
