
Stars of the future

The Daily Pilot asked students at Wilson Elementary School, “What kind of performer would you like to be?”

“A rap dancer.”

Erick Ortiz, 9, Costa Mesa

“A hip-hop dancer, because you get to do a lot of fun things and make up moves, and you get lots of exercise.”

Jessica Garcilazo, 10, Costa Mesa

“A rapper. I like to make up rhymes.”

Alejandro Rodriguez, 9, Costa Mesa

“A singer, because I think I have the talent for that, and I think I could get through all the frustrations and all the drama.”


Dezarey Ramirez, 10, Costa Mesa

“A dancer, because it’s good for you and you can get more exercise and stay healthy.”

Frida Ramos, 10, Costa Mesadpt.27-kid-4-CPhotoInfoOI1SC7NB20060627j1hlq2nc(LA)dpt.27-kid-2-CPhotoInfoOI1SC7NM20060627j1hlp9nc(LA)dpt.27-kid-1-CPhotoInfoOI1SC7ND20060627j1hlotnc(LA)dpt.27-kid-3-CPhotoInfoOI1SC7NK20060627j1hlpjnc(LA)dpt.27-kid-5-CPhotoInfoOI1SC7N920060627j1hlqenc(LA)
