
Back Bay Science Center schedules osprey viewing

A pair of ospreys has hatched three chicks on a platform atop a 30-foot pole on Shellmaker Island.

To commemorate the birds’ first successful nesting in Orange County in nearly a century (according to estimates), a public viewing of the birds is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday and Sunday at the Back Bay Science Center, 600 Shellmaker Road in Newport Beach.

Those interested in the free event should meet at the gates of the Shellmaker Island educational facility.


The event will include a photo exhibit, telescopes to view the ospreys and various experts to answer questions.

The first public viewing of the birds Saturday drew about 100 people, said Sue Lau of the center, which is managed by the California Department of Fish and Game.

“To view the ospreys is a gift of nature,” Lau said. “Because these birds were born at the Back Bay Science Center, it’s like a miraculous occurrence, and it’s evidence that the habitat quality has and is continuing to improve in the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve.”

Lau said the quality of the reserve is a result of state and county agencies and residents who participate each year in the annual coastal cleanup day on Sept. 16.

In 1993, center volunteers placed the pole to attract ospreys to nest there. The birds are not listed as endangered but are protected by federal law.

The discovery of the osprey nest in May stopped the construction of the $6-million Back Bay Science Center.

Newport Beach officials said construction will continue once the chicks are ready to go out on their own.

For information about this weekend’s event, call (949) 640-9956.dpt.21-osprey-BPhotoInfoS21S6B2V20060621izfpo2ncKENT TREPTOW / DAILY PILOT(LA)A male osprey returns to his nest, where his mate watches over their three chicks last month.
